If there was ever a time that photos from past events gain more value it would be these crazy times we’re living right now. It´s been only a year since Riley & João´s destination wedding in Sintra and looking back at these images makes so much impact on me, an impartial witness, so I cannot help but wonder how much they mean to everyone who was involved in the story of this beautiful wedding day.

It makes me smile when I see the boys hanging out by the pool without any social distancing, the girls getting all tipsy before the ceremony sipping from each other cocktails with no concerns, all the hugs with close friends and especially with grandma. All of this is on hold at the moment and maybe in the future we will have to refrain ourselves and be more rational when showing our emotions.

Looking at photos we long for the past, we look at ourselves when we were young and free, this is when we realise the true value of photography and how it becomes more valuable as the time passes.

Fotografia de Casamento Sintra, Portugal

Venue: Penha Longa Resort

Hair: Good Hair Day


O vosso trabalho é algo que me faz parar e vêr de novo, aprendo sempre convosco e adoro, simplesmente adoro a magia da vossa edição, quer na escolha das fotos quer na maneira como as histórias são retratadas, continuem por favor!

Grande abraço!

João Santos

Muito obrigado João!