Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Lindsey is American and Alex is from Scotland and they chose Portugal for their destination wedding because it was a good halfway point between the 2, so as not to make it more difficult for one side of the family than the other… and also because the Algarve is famous for its wonderful, sunny weather… so can you guess what happened? It rained. We had brought his-n-hers umbrellas with us, just in case, but on the morning of the wedding with the rain pouring down relentlessly, we stopped at the local Chinese store on the way to their hotel to buy a few more umbrellas, for us and our cameras… which is a sign of how bad it was. But by the time the ceremony started the clouds were breaking up and we didn’t end up really needing them (now we have 5 for next time!) Their wedding was also the very smallest that we have yet photographed, 9 people in total, and we are seriously loving these little weddings, they are so much more relaxed and stress-free. We spent a fantastic afternoon with Lindsey and Alex and their families… the whole day was super casual and spur-of-the-moment and we even got the tiniest bit of sunshine right at the end of the day…  as if it had been waiting for the perfect moment to peek out from behind the clouds. Thank you both for sharing your day with us, we felt really honoured to be part of such a small and special celebration and we wish you lots of love and happiness for your future!

A Lindsey é Americana e o Alex Escocês e escolheram Portugal para o seu casamento, pois seria um ponto a meio entre os 2 países, para que não fosse mais difícil para um lado da família do que o outro estar presente no dia mais importante da vida deles… ah, e também porque o Algarve é famoso pelo sol e clima fantástico… querem adivinhar o que aconteceu? Choveu a potes. Trouxemos conosco chapéus de chuva para ela e para ele para o caso de chover, mas na manhã do dia do casamento, com a chuva a cair torrencialmente paramos na “loja do chinês” local, a caminho do hotel onde se iria realizar o casamento, para comprar mais alguns chapéus de chuva para nós a para as nossas máquinas fotográficas… não sei se dá para perceberem o quanto chovia. Mas, quando a cerimónia começou as nuvens começaram a abrir e acabámos por nem precisar deles, agora temos 5 chapéus de chuva para um futuro casamento! Este foi também, o casamento mais pequeno que fotografámos, 9 pessoas no total, e nós estamos cada vez mais a nos apaixonar por estas cerimónias intimas e com poucos convidados. São tão mais calmas e sem stress e com tempo para realmente saborear o dia… passámos uma tarde fantástica com a Lindsey com o Alex e as suas famílias, o dia foi super descontraido e sem protocolos e até tivémos uns raiozinhos pequeninos de sol mesmo ao final do dia… como se estivessem á espera do momento perfeito para espreitar por detrás das nuvens. Muito obrigado a ambos por partilharem o vosso dia conosco, sentimo-nos super honrados por fazer parte desta celebração tão intima e especial, desejamos muito amor e alegrias para o vosso futuro!

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Lindsey’s dress was actually her mom’s wedding dress, but redesigned… the pictures above are of Lindsey’s mom on her wedding day.

Uma particularidade super original foi o facto de o vestido da Lindsey ser na verdade o vestido da mãe dela, mas redesenhado… as fotos em cima são da mãe da Lindsey no seu dia de casamento.

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal


[…] 1 via: Amber Housley | The Knot | Style Me Pretty | Moodborad 2 via: The Little Squirrel | Piteira Photography | Elisa Bricker | Style Me Pretty | Once Wed | Style Me Pretty | New Mexico Wedding […]

Ah what a GORGEOUS couple shoot guys! Simply sublime!! x

Love #115!

Está espetacular, até me veio uma lagriminha ao olho com a foto dos pais de mão dada…voçês sbem captar os momentos mais simples e mais bonitos…