Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

You know how in sci-fi films when once in 17 bazillion years all the stars in the galaxy align and a door opens to a parallel universe? Cátia and Jamie’s wedding is on the other side of that door… seriously… out of this world. This wedding was totally them, almost eveything was DIY’ed by the bride and groom and their talented families and the attention to detail is stunning. Plus, and this is a big one… they lay down in the sand for us. Do you know what that means? That means trust… right there, and trust is like the no.1 most important ingredient in wedding photography, without it, there are no truly unique photos. Find a photographer you trust, and it will all come together beautifully. Also, we have a new contender for favourite venue ever, the Ilha de Arroz restaurant on Comporta beach is fabulous, the staff are totally on the ball, but in that casual I’m-actually-a-hard-core-retauranteur-but-tonight’s-my-night-off kind of family gathering way, the location is perfect, chic but rustic wooden shack on the beach… and the whole wedding was just beautiful. The ceremony was so touching, they wrote their own vows and I don’t think there was a dry eye in the house… I cried, Luis cried… their love for each other was tangible and the whole day was infused with it… Cátia and Jamie, you guys need to get married once a year from now until we retire so that we get to work with you again… thank you for choosing us to be a part of your unforgettable day.

Estão a ver aqueles filmes de ficção científica em que a cada 17 mil milhões de anos todas as estrelas da galáxia se alinham para uma porta se abrir dando passagem para um universo paralelo? O casamento da Cátia e do Jamie foi mesmo do outro lado dessa porta… a sério. Este casamento foi totalmente eles, quase tudo foi feito pelos noivos e as suas talentosas famílias. A atenção pelo detalhe foi brilhante. E mais, atenção que esta é grande… eles deitaram-se na areia para as nossas fotos. Sabem o que isso significa? Significa confiança… ali mesmo, e confiança é o ingrediente mais importante na fotografia de casamento, sem ela, não existem fotos verdadeiramente únicas. Encontra um fotógrafo que confies, e tudo se encaixa na perfeição. Também temos um sério concorrente para o nosso local favorito para o copo de água, o restaurante Ilha do Arroz na praia da Comporta é fabuloso. Staff  profissional, mas de uma forma descomprometida e informal juntando o dever de bem servir á diversão com um grupo bem disposto. O local foi perfeito, numa daquelas casas de madeira na praia muito chic…  todo o casamento foi simplesmente lindo. A cerimónia foi comovente, os noivos escreveram os seus próprios votos e acho que não houve olho sem lagriminha no grupo de convidados… Eu chorei o Luis chorou… o amor que tinham um pelo outro sentia-se e todo o dia foi perfumado por ele… Cátia e Jamie vocês precisam de se casar uma vez por ano de agora em diante até nos reformarmos, ok? … Obrigado por nos escolherem para o vosso dia inesquecivel.

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal

Piteira Photography | Wedding Photography Portugal


Her shoes. His boutonniere. The flowers. The setting. This wedding is nothing but pure beauty and magic. Love it!

Sensational. ox

Maravilhosas fotos, como sempre!!!

Trabalho lindissimo não só ao nivel da fotografia (isso já sabiamos que seria maravilhoso) mas também ao nivel dos detalhes e pormenores!!! Parabéns a todos, resultado fantástico!!!